We are pleased to announce that we will be introducing "Curbside Com-munion" on Sundays:
Please come by between 10:45 and 11:30 am following the live stream of Mass at 10 am. Here are a few guidelines:
• Those who receive Holy Communion are to spiritually-unite themselves in reverential prayer to a live-streamed/broadcast celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from their home just prior to reception of the Blessed Sacrament. CLICK HERE to watch Annunciation's Mass at 10 am.
• Those receiving Holy Communion must do so soon after the Invitation to Communion is completed in the Mass:
Invitation to Communion
Behold the Lamb of God,
behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.
Lord, I am not worthy that you shall enter under my roof,
but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
• After the above prayer, please make your way to the church. See the map below and enter the Communion line from Musgrave Place and turn right on to 5th Avenue West.
• Stay in the car (if you are driving)
• If you are walking, please follow signs
• An usher will be available if you would like to make an offering/tithe
• As you approach Fr. Terry:
• wear a face mask
• roll down your window
• sanitize your hands (i.e., using your own sanitizer)
• extend an arm outside the window toward Fr. Terry
• prepare to received Holy Communion in your hand
• respond, "Amen," to the Priest's words, "The Body of Christ"
• remove your mask only to receive Holy Communion
• To maintain a sense of reverence, no other conversation should take place during the Communion Rite (i.e. Fr. Ter-ry will only say "The Body of Christ" and you will respond with only "Amen". This is not a time for socializing.)
As you travel the designated exit route, you are encouraged to make an act of thanksgiving in silent and/or communal prayer. Feel free to drive to a parking spot near the "Stop" sign on 5th Avenue West or on Fulton Street (Thanksgiving Lane) for a time of thanksgiving. • After the period of prayer is com-plete, make the Sign of the Cross and continue on your way.