Dear parishioners,
Thank you for your generosity towards the Diocesan Annual Appeal (DAA). Annunciation Parish has made their goal every year that I have been with you as your pastor. As you can see, Annunciation Parish is the top donor, way ahead of every other parish community in the diocese. The beauty of the DAA is “no Diocesan Tax” is applied to monies received. We receive 100% back after we surpass our goal. Normally a 15% diocesan tax is applied to all donations.
With the money you donate, we have made both entrances (Musgrave and 5th Ave.) handicap accessible and added new “automatic” doors. We have made some improvements to the Church roof. Another change, not everyone is happy about, we added acoustical sound panels to improve our church’s audio clarity. I have spoken to many of the elderly parishioners who now say: “Father I can hear you now.” (I wonder if they wish they couldn’t!)
This coming year we will add a storage shed on the back of the Church to store the lawn mower, snow blower, shovels, salt and sand etc. This will enable the parish to look after the grounds, have access to tools and save a significant amount of money for both the school and the parish.
With your donations this coming year we will: build a storage shed, upgrade the church sound system, purchase some equipment for the parish grounds, i.e. lawn mower and some tools. Thank you for your generosity.
Kick off Sunday for the DAA will be: September 14
Education Sunday: September 21
Commitment Weekend: September 28